Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Modernity and Literature Essay

Modernity by itself is a very abstract concept which can be associated with all new experiences in history. It is largely temporal because what is modern today is the old or obsolete tomorrow. Modernity is said to be a logic of negation because it tends to give importance to the present over the past, and at the same time also frowns over the present with respect to the future. From a purely historical perspective however, the society which evolved in Europe after the French Revolution of 1789 can be termed as modern in so much so that there is a marked difference or break in the way of thinking, living and enterprise between the societies after and before the French Revolution. The evolution of the modern society was not a process that happened overnight. The roots of the modern society and its gradual evolution can be traced back to the beginning of the eighteenth century. In fact the period from that point in history to the French Revolution is termed as the period of intellectual Enlightenment when there was a radical change in philosophy, science, politics, arts and culture. It was on these new forms of knowledge that the foundation of the modern society or modernity was based. Defining the Traditional Many scholars have tried to analyze the basic or instinctive nature of human beings in attempts to track back how modernity could have affected the core individual. In his book Leviathan, Hobbes deduced that in an environment uninfluenced by artificial systems or in a ‘state of nature’ human beings would be war like and violent, and their lives would consequently be solitary, poor, brutish and short. Rousseau however contradicts Hobbes. He claims that humans are essentially benevolent by nature. He believed in the ‘noble savage’ or the concept that devoid of civilization human beings are essentially peaceful and egalitarian and live in harmony with the environment – an idea associated with Romanticism. Human beings have however lived in communities and formed societies since the very early ages. In what is now known as the ancient world or the world of classical pagan antiquity typical of the societies of Greece and Rome, the concept of the ‘new’ or ‘change’ was absent. Time, like the seasons, was supposed to move in cyclical order, repeating itself with regularity cycle after cycle with nothing new or changed to break away from the established order. The people were steeped in more superstitious and religious beliefs which ruled almost every aspect of their lives. Christianity brought about changes in the belief systems of the ancient world. Christianity postulated that time was linear, that it began from the birth of Jesus Christ and would end with the apocalypse and the second coming of Jesus. This was a linear concept of time that moved in a straight line and not in a cycle that kept coming back to the same point. The Foundations of Modernity It was during the Enlightenment period that the Christian concepts of time and history were secularized to give way to the modern approach to change and progress. There were many other basic changes during the Enlightenment. The key ideas which formed the basis of the enlightenment period were autonomy and emancipation, progress and the improvement of history and universalism. The development of scientific knowledge gave rise to religious skepticism. People were no longer willing to submit blindly to the dictates of ordained religion. In other words they attained emancipation from the shackles of religion that had governed almost all aspects of their lives. This emancipation led to autonomy of the individual. Individuals began to decide for themselves instead submitting to an external authority such as religion. The people now decided by themselves what kind of authority, rules and regulation would be good for them, and such authority must be natural and not supernatural. Enlightenment encouraged criticism. Enlightenment thinkers did not hold anything sacred and freely criticized, questioned, examined and challenged all dogmas and institutions in their search for betterment or progress. Thinkers such as Voltaire defended reason and rationalism against institutionalized superstition and tyranny. The belief that there could and should be a change for the better came to be a prominent characteristic of modernity. The critical attitude of enlightenment thinker to contemporary social and political institutions paved the way for scientific studies of political and social studies and subsequent evolution of better forms of such institutions. The scientific revolution during the period, culminating in the work of Isaac Newton, presented a very practical and objective view of the natural world to people at large, and science came to be regarded very highly. Scientific inquiry was gradually extended to cover new social, political and cultural areas. Such studies were oriented around the cause-and-effect approach of naturalism. Control of prejudice was also deemed to be essential to make them value free. Enlightenment thinking emphasized the importance of reason and rationality in organization and development of knowledge. The gradual development of the scientific temperament with a paradigm change from the qualitative to the quantitative is also very evident in Europe of the time. People came to believe that they could better their own lot through a more scientific and rational approach to everything. The concept of universalism which advocated that reason and science were applicable to all fields of study and that science laws, in particular, were universal, also grew roots during the period. People began to believe in change, development and progress – all basic tenets of modernity as we know it today. Autonomy to decide for their own good, gave the people the right to choose the form of authority that could lead them as a society or community towards a better future and progress. This opened the doors to the emergence of states with separate and legally defined spheres of jurisdiction. Thus we find that modernity represents a transformation – philosophical, scientific, social, political and cultural – at a definite time in history at a definite spatial location. This transformation also represents a continuum up to the present in so much so that its basic principles are inherent in the societies and nations of today. The period of enlightenment can be seen as one of transition from the ‘traditional’ to the ‘modern’ forms of society, from an age of blind beliefs to a new age of reason and rational. Different Perspectives on development of Modernity Different political and philosophical thinkers have however developed different, and sometimes contradicting, theories of the development of modernity. Friedrich Hegel and Karl Marx are two of the leading thinkers whose theories run counter to each other. For Hegel, the development of modernity was a dialectical process which was governed by the increasing self-consciousness of what he termed as the collective human ‘mind’ or ‘spirit’. According to Hegel, the dialectic process of development of the mind comprised three stages, with two initially contradicting positions synthesizing into a third reconciled position. Human beings live what Hegel called an ‘Ethical Life’ or in a social environment shaped by customs and traditions. This ethical life has three stages: the first is the family, which is dissolved in due course, the second is the ‘civil society’ that a person builds up as a result of his social interactions beyond the family and greater relations, and finally the third stage of the ‘state’ which Hegel defines as the highest form of social reason. For Hegel therefore, the formation of the modern state is the mark of modernity when human beings achieve the ultimate stage of social existence. Hegel believed as individuals or families, human beings are too selfish and self-centered co-exist in harmony and work for development. It is the state that is able to integrate the contradictions of different individuals, and not market forces. Since the state by itself is composed of political institutions, Hegel’s theory equates the development of the modern state or modern political institutions with modernity. Marx took a completely opposing view, when he asserted that material forces drive history. For him the state by itself is not an ideal entity for the integration of human beings into a cohesive whole for their development as a nation or a society. According to him it is the material forces comprising social and economic forces that drive history towards modernity. People engage in production for their means of subsistence, they bind together and form states for the sake of production. Different forms of productions create different class relations. It is to maximize production and gain the maximum benefits and advantages that people bond together in different classes in the form of the modern state. The different ways in which production is organized give rise to complex forms of social organization because a particular mode of production is an entire way of life for the people who are involved in it. For Marx social existence is not consciously determined by human beings, rather, it is the other way round: their social existence determines their consciousness. When there are contradictions between productive forces and the social relationships of production, class conflict arises. For Marx, therefore, modernity is defined by the state of social existence. Marx acknowledges that ‘capitalism has been the most productive mode of production, and it contains the most potential for the realization of human freedom’. This very dynamic characteristic of capitalism is born out of its destructiveness for all traditional social constraints such as religion, nation, family, sex, etc. But it is the same destructiveness and creativeness that creates the experience of modernity in Capitalism. This vital association between capitalism and modernity from none less that Marx himself establishes that the capitalism that evolved after the period of enlightenment in Europe has been acknowledged as the modern era of the period of modernity by Marx. Marx however states that capitalism is exploitative, and because it is exploitative, its full potential cannot be harnessed for the benefit of all. He therefore advocates communism which is a system of planned and conscious production by men and women of their won free will. This brings us to the question whether humanity has already passed through a stage of history that has been termed as modernity, and has moved on to the postmodern era (Mitchell, 2009). Another important point is regarding the placing of modernity. Modernity is understood to be a process that began and ended in Europe, and was later exported to other parts of the world. Thinkers like Marx tend to differ. He saw Capitalism emerge as a ‘rosy dawn’ not in England or the Netherlands but in the production trade and finance of the colonial system (Marx, 1967). Therefore, though the concept of modernity can be defined in various ways, it definitely refers to the process of evolution of the human mind and the society to a point where people were able to come together for their own advantage and benefit and work for unceasing development under a collectively formalized authority such as the nation state. It can also be state with a certain degree of assertiveness that the period from the beginning of the Eighteenth Century to the French Revolution in 1789 actually marked the period of active development of modernity in Europe. The concepts that were nurtured during the period bore fruit immediately afterwards in Europe and the West and later spread to the rest of the world. The world has continued since on very much the same basic principles but with far more advanced technologies and superior social, economic and political approaches. Influence of Modernity on Literature Modernity had a profound influence on literature. As people began to think differently, they also began to write differently. The modernist ideas of religious emancipation, autonomy, reliance on reason, rationality and science, and on development and progress began to find expression in the literature that developed even during the period of enlightenment and thereafter. This new form of literature came to be known as the Modernist Literature. Modernist literature tended to vent expression to the tendencies of modernity. Modernist literature, as also modernist art, took up cudgels against the old system of blind beliefs. Centering around the idea of individualism or the individual mind, modernist literature displayed mistrust of established institutions such as conventional forms of autocratic government and religion. It also tended not to believe in any absolute truths. Simmel (1903) gives an overview of the thematic concerns of Modernist Literature when he states that, â€Å"The deepest problems of modern life derive from the claim of the individual to preserve the autonomy and individuality of his existence in the face of overwhelming social forces, of historical heritage, of external culture, and of the technique of life. † Examples from two Greats A few examples of Modernist literature will serve to make its characteristics more clear. Rene Descartes (1596 – 1650) is considered to be one of the early enlightenment thinkers whose literary works opened the avenues to the modern era. Known as the founder of modern philosophy and the father of modern mathematics, Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician and scientist whose influence has served to shape the beginnings of Modernist literature. In his famous work, The Discourse on Method, he presents the equally famous quotation ‘cogito ergo sum’ or ‘I think, therefore I am’, which about sums up the very principle of the basis of the modern era. â€Å"I observed that, whilst I thus wished to think that all was false, it was absolutely necessary that I, who thus thought, should be somewhat; and as I observed that this truth, I think, therefore I am (COGITO ERGO SUM), was so certain and of such evidence that no ground of doubt, however extravagant, could be alleged by the sceptics capable of shaking it, I concluded that I might, without scruple, accept it as the first principle of the philosophy of which I was in search† (Descartes, 1637). In this work, Descartes drew on ancients such as Sextus Emiricus to revive the idea of skepticism, and reached a truth that he found to be undeniable. â€Å"Descartes started his line of reasoning by doubting everything, so as to assess the world from a fresh perspective, clear of any preconceived notions. In other words, he rejected man’s reliance on God’s revealed word, placing his own intellect on a higher plain† (McCarter, 2006). David Hume (1711 – 1776) was a philosopher, economist and historian from Scotland, and was considered a notable personality both in western philosophy and of the Scottish Enlightenment movement. In his works, he had a way of projecting the errors of scepticism and naturalism, thus carving out a way for secular humanism. In his most famous work, ‘An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding’, Hume asserts that all human knowledge is imbibed through our senses. He argues that unless the source from which the impression of a certain entity is conveyed to our senses is identified, that entity cannot exist. The logic would nullify the existence of God, a soul or a self. â€Å"By the term impression, then, I mean all our more lively perceptions, when we hear, or see, or feel, or love, or hate, or desire, or will. And impressions are distinguished from ideas, which are the less lively perceptions, of which we are conscious, when we reflect on any of those sensations or movements above mentioned †¦It seems a proposition, which will not admit of much dispute, that all our ideas are nothing but copies of our impressions, or, in other words, that it is impossible for us to think of anything, which we have not antecedently felt, either by our external or internal senses†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Dover Philosophical Classics, 2004) In the same work Hume also postulates two kinds of human reasoning – Relation of Ideas and Matters of Fact. The former involves abstract concepts such as of mathematics where deductive faculty is required, and the later is about empirical experiences which are inductive in nature. This postulate has come to be known as Hume’s Fork. Hume, along with his contemporaries of the Scottish Enlightenment, also proposed that the basis for principles of morals is to be sought in the utility that they tend to serve. This shows the questioning nature of modernist literature not only of religious but also of moral and social norms and values. A very visible influence of modernity is therefore seen in the works of Hume. Present-day Modernist Literature If modernity influenced literature, it also used literature to shift from a philosophical and theoretical domain into the practical lives of people. Modernity could infiltrate into the lives of people through literary works that defined and reiterated the legitimate new modes of classification. Old literary forms with traditional meanings attached to them were reworked, allowing readers to modify or contravene the older meanings. â€Å"This opening-up process allowed readers to glean new meanings that modified or contravened the older ones. In the course of these changes, words, forms, and institutions altered their meaning in British life: they, and the practices they comprised, referred differently†¦. modifying ‘reference potential’ in literature fed back into how readers responded to changes in life†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Rothstein, 2007) In art and literature, many critics view ‘modernism’ as a new trend in the field of art and literature, defined basically by stylistic and structural variations. They would not accept the fact that ‘modernism’, it is basic approach, was the principles of modernity rendered plausible in literature and art. Modernity has always tried to hold up the world in new perspectives. Similarly, modernist literature opens up the world in all its forms – theoretical, philosophical, aesthetical and political – for fresh scrutiny. Even in its present form, modernist literature attempts to break the objective world of the realist. â€Å"Modernist writing †¦ takes the reader into a world of unfamiliarity, a deep introspection, a cognitive thought-provoking experience, skepticism of religion, and openness to culture, technology, and innovation† (Melton, 2010). Modernist literature exhibits a fascination with the workings of the mind, and how reality is reflected by the mind. The questioning of life, with or without the presence of God, is another trademark of the philosophical and theoretical moorings of modernist literature. Charles Darwin’s work challenges God as the Creator and presents the process of natural selection in the survival of life. This led to modernist literature of time travel, of questioning the existence of individuals and the purpose of the universe. Modernism brought about a new openness in the areas of feminism, bisexuality, the family, and the mind. In the world of today, modernist literature still display much of the characteristics of the times in which it first took shape. A very important theme of modernist literature today is a feeling of being alone in the world – a feeling stemming from estrangement or alienation. Characters are often presented as being depressed or angry. A second common trait is that of being in doubt. â€Å"It may be disbelief in religion, in happiness, or simply a lack of purpose and doubt in the value of human life. Finally, a third theme that is prevalent is a search for the truth† (Foster, 2010). Then there is a third theme in which the alienated character is always in the search for truth and seeks answers to a plethora of questions relating to human subjectivity. In all these characteristics are to be found the same questioning nature, the same denouncement of blind beliefs and the same dependence on reason and rationality that the Eighteenth Century enlightenment thinkers had pursued. The character is alienated and estranged because he or she questions all that is deemed not right by his or her own mind; the character questions the beliefs of religion and other institutions which are not based on reasoning; and finally the character seeks answers and the truth. â€Å"Modernist literature encompasses the thematic fingerprints of a rebellious, questioning, disbelieving, meditative, and confident type of form, which was conceived out of a change in the belief of humanity, the mind, a God, and the self brought on by the shift from capitalism to an ever-increasing society of revolutionary changes† (Melton, 2010). References Descartes, R. , 1637, The Discourse on Methods. Dover Philosophical Classics, 2004, David Hume, An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, Dover Publications Inc. Foster, J. , 2010, Modernism in Literature and History, Available: http://www. helium. com/items/743749-modernism-in-literature-and-history Karl Marx, 1967, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, 3 vols. , New York: International Publishers, 1:703. McCarter, J. , P. , 2006, Literature of the Modern Era, The Puritans’ Home School Curriculum. Melton, L. , 2010, Modernism in Literature and History, Available: http://www. helium. com/items/809291-modernism-in-literature-and-history Mitchell, T. , 2000, The Stage of Modernity, Available: http://www. ram-wan. net/restrepo/modernidad/the%20stage%20of%20modernity-mitchell. pdf Rothstein, E. , 2007, Gleaning Modernity, Earlier Eighteenth Century Literature and the Modernizing Process, Rosemont Publishing and Printing Corp. , Associated University Presses. Simmel, G. , 1093, The Metropolis and Mental Life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bsa 375 Sr-Rm-022 Part 1

Myrna Bravo Riordan Manufacturing is in need of updating their decrepit HRIS system to stay profitable. This system will move from the legacy system, integrated with the financial system, into a new standalone system used to integrate all of the HR tools within the system presently. In 1992 Riordan Manufacturing opened its doors to the Human Resources Department. At that time the system, HRIS, was integrated to be cohesive with the financial system.Now, 20 years later, the system has seen better days as it continues to utilize both outdated hardware to run the system and processing methods for the current data associated with the system. Riordan Chief Operations Officer, Hugh McCauley, has reached out to find a single standalone solution to their need for an updated HRIS. This solution is aimed at becoming more sophisticated, state of the art information system in the Human Resources Department. Initial Evaluation Riordan Manufacturing currently operates one system for seven differen t facets of the Human Resources Department.This system is responsible for the following information: employee information, training and development records, open positions and applications, performance and attendance, compensation, employee relations, and the original financial suite as well. Each individual facet has its own key personnel that use the systems respectively to the other systems. Some aspects of the system are still in hard copy forms kept in locked cabinets in the offices of the personnel responsible for them. Worker’s compensation is maintained by a third-party organization that maintains their own records.Key Stakeholders Key stakeholders will include the end users of each system that is in use at this time. This can be organized into a JAD session for each area to acquire the information in a brain storming environment instead of the feeling of an interrogation. The culture of the organization will lend invaluable information to developing the system. In ad dition to the end users that work with the software daily both Yvonne McMillan, Director of HR, and Maria Trinh, Chief Information Officer, will be conferenced with the stakeholders to provide their perspectives of the requirements.Maria will be brought in to the requirements solicitation to provide information and resources of the physical requirements while agreeing upon acceptable and favorable terms for the system as a whole. Yvonne will be brought in as an overall eye of the system. Her point of view will be more thorough about the system than the end users. Her sight is of an overall understanding whereas the end users only see their portion. Other key stakeholders will be advised of the information and updated to the progress as the information becomes available.The other key stakeholders will include the other executives of Riordan Manufacturing. Information Gathering and Analysis Tools It is important to have information gathering techniques so that no information can be ov erlooked. The information system that we are looking for must meet the requirements of the organization and the employees that will be using the system. The first part of information gathering should consist of identifying information sources.The main sources of information in the company should be employees who use the system and will be using the new one because they can tell you what works and what does not work or basically what’s good about this system so that we can implement it in the new system. Another source is forms and documents that have been used in the past for example accreditation paperwork or system requirement paperwork. There are also procedure manuals, rule books and reports that can be used to gather information as well.Once the analyst have identified proper sources they will then view the current system and determine the system’s problem areas as seen by the people who currently use the system and from that develop the SRS (Systems Requirements Specification) which is a tool that analyst use to specify what information requirements will be provided and also can be used for detailed design of the system. The SRS should be complete, specify operational, tactical, and strategic information requirements, it should eliminate possible arguments between users and analysts and it should use graphical aids easily understood by users who are not computer savvy.â€Å"Information Gathering†,  n. d). Techniques to Gather Requirements Several techniques are available to gather requirements information about the system. These can include interviews, documentation, and sequestered input through surveys or other mediums. Ideally one of the most effective means of gathering this information is through interviews of the people that use the system most often. While dealing with interviews we need to make the most of the time available and as such one of the best means is by utilizing a Joint Application Development session.This will provide the interviewees the ability to freely share ideas of what is wrong with the system, what is right with the system, and what is neutral. JAD will provide more information than individual interviews. The use cases ability will provide us access to the system to walk step by step through the system processes to discover how the system is for untrained personnel, resource management, and reliability. This will provide us with information that is not obtained by any other means in certain terms.The information gathering process will continue to the end of the project by the stakeholders providing feedback based on results. As we proceed through the design and development of the system we will have the ability to test each phase. This testing will provide the stakeholders with an opportunity to provide information based on the results. Information gathering will be continuous for Maria Trinh and her department as we will require their input about system longevity and down time al lotted for the new system. This information will be obtained at the inception of the project and built into the application.If the time frame provided from Maria Trinh in regards to down time is not obtainable, negotiations will commence to find a favorable median up time to maintenance time. I propose categorizing the requirements into functional requirements, operational requirements, technical requirements, and transitional requirements. The functional requirements define how the user thinks the system is functioning overall, the operational requirements define what background processes need to be executed in order for the system to work optimally over a period of time, the technical requirements define what echnical issues that must be addressed in order to successfully implement the system, and the transitional requirements define the processes or steps needed to implement the system smoothly and successfully. Project Scope â€Å"Project scope is the part of project planning t hat involves determining and documenting a list of specific project goals, deliverables, tasks, costs and deadlines† (Rouse of TechTarget. com).This scope should include the following (â€Å"Dummies. om†,  2012):Justification: How and why your project came to be, the business need(s) it addresses, the scope of work to be performed, and how it will affect and be affected by other related activities.Objectives: The products, services, and/or results your project will produce (also referred to as deliverables).Product scope description: The features and functions of the products, services, and/or results your project will produce.Product acceptance criteria: The process and criteria for accepting completed products, services, or results.Constraints: Restrictions that limit what you can achieve, how and when you can achieve it, and how much achieving it can cost.Assumptions: Statements about how you will address uncertain information as you conceive, plan, and perform you r project.ConclusionAll of the information gathered through JAD Sessions; interviews; and hands on experiences will be set into current attribute categories. Each of these categories will be divided to show the good aspects and the bad aspects of the application. All of this will be agreed upon unanimously in a last JAD session to determine what the actual requirements are that need to be placed into the requirements list. The requirements list will then be compiled to form the foundation of the scope and feasibility of the project. After the scope and feasibility have been accepted by the organization we will begin the development process.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Education as the most important factor in the development Essay

Education is the single most important factor in the development of a country. Do you agree? The statement is about education is one of significant factor to build a modern country. And I, as a writer, believe that the statement is true. First of all, a country needs societies who have much knowledge that are useful. When societies have much awareness and that are usable, they can help government to build a perfect country that is appreciated by the other countries. For instance, some societies can take a part into ministry to distribute their ideas about developing country easily. If societies do not have some abilities about something important, they are difficult to share their information especially if they do not have useful part in government, people will hard to accept them. Afterwards, a country can be recognized by the other countries when it has societies that it can boast. When a country have became famous, all of countries, automatically, will make good cooperation with it, and it will be one of the best country in the world. On the other hand, some people claim that a country that wants to be a development country does not only need education, but it also needs some experiences to create great communication. They believe that a country can be perfect when it has many experiences that can make the other countries interest to make good cooperation. Sometimes people who have have fine communication experiences understand how to influence someone and they have known what they should do to make the other people fascinate. Finally, I agree that education is one important section to in the development country even though the other people think that a country does not really need education. So, what is your ways and ideas to create a perfect country?

Globilzation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Globilzation - Essay Example Thus economic forces enabled international marketing to get energized and, which in turn, set in the challenging assignment of making commercial sense out of cultures to which wares were marketed. Devetak and Higgott explain how globalization has brought about a weakening of an intra national social bond. They further posit that ongoing process of globalization causes constant disruption in existing social bond. It is their view that "under conditions of globalization, assumptions made about the social bond are changing; .... the article concludes that the prospects for a satisfactory synthesis of a liberal economic theory of globalization, a normative political theory of the global public domain, and a new social bond are remote"(Devetak & Higgott 1999). Again, in a slightly different context, Phillip W.Jones makes a statement which is extremely relevant to the definition of globalization in present context. Jones states that," The logic of globalization contrasts markedly with that of internationalism. The latter, with its intrinsically democratic foundation, looks to a world ordered by structures supportive of that functionalism which is embedded in accountability. Globalization, by contrast, implies few logical imperatives in favor of accountability, but rather looks to the pursuit of interest on the global level through the operation of unfettered capitalism"(Jones,1998).According to Jones view international marketing efforts in new cultural milieu would fall in the category of 'globalization' as defined by him. However multinational corporations take a broader view of their international marketing efforts and venture in new international markets only after completing a thorough study of local cultures. New technological develop ments, improvements in communication, growth in transnational infrastructure and liberalizing of trade and capital flows have enabled entrepreneurs the globe over to deploy and run their capitals chasing markets the globe over. The globalization aligned attitudes of IMF and World Bank are exemplified with clarity by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, when he says that," The key aim of today's policy makers has not changed compared to those at the Bretton Woods times - it has been, and still is, global prosperity and stability - but the environment in which we are acting has changed profoundly......Today we are striving for stability of the international financial system in a world of free capital flows with a growing importance of private flows and increasing trade and financial integration"(Trichet, 2004).As Roby says," world-wide output and trade have grown apace with market openings and the rise of efficient global business networks these past 15 years. An entrepreneurial class is energizing once-stagnant command economies" (Roby, 2005). It is at once apparent that this 'entrepreneurial class' is essentially limited in number the globe over and its population effectively determines the contours of globalization. Washington Consensus John Williamson, the person responsible for the phrase Washington Consens

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How has my writing changed in this semester why Essay

How has my writing changed in this semester why - Essay Example Consequently, I could not boast about great achievements in the beginning; however, I identified my weak points and developed clear goals I wanted to set. My motivation was warmed up by clear assignments, support and help of my mates and comprehensive teaching approach. Now I feel more confident when it comes to writing due to the skills I improved during this course. I have understood the line between formal and informal writing; I avoid using personal pronouns in academic essays. What is even more important, I have learned more about essay and paragraph structures. I used to deliver my thoughts in mess but now I know that every essay should have distinctive introduction, main body and conclusion. It is difficult to underestimate the contribution of my peers to my learning process. Peer-review process showed me how other people perceive what I wrote. It helped me to spot and correct my mistakes, reorganize my paragraphs and avoid meaningless sentences in writing. I started writing on the point, giving more examples, relating abstract things to real life

Saturday, July 27, 2019

6-sigma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

6-sigma - Essay Example The process is commonly utilised in the manufacturing processes in seeking to minimise variability of products and enhance the quality through improvement of the business processes. The six-sigma approach utilises various quality management methods like statistics in the development of quality improvement approaches within the manufacturing industry. The term remains synonymous to the manufacturing terms associated with the modelling of the manufacturing process through the utilisation of statistical processes. The process aims at ensuring products remains product free, which is essential in determining the effectiveness of the manufacturing process. The sigma level is commonly measured through the percentage of detect-free products. The sigma process included in the manufacturing process follows a definite sequence of activities aimed at achieving quantifiable production targets. Effective achievement of the targets becomes a measure of the efficacy achieved in the implementation of the sigma process of management. The fundamental purpose for the adoption of the six-sigma approach remains the reduction of variability in the products. The variability defined by the six-sigma approach remains based on the occurrence of defects upon the products. The number of defects detected upon the products becomes the quantifying element in establishing the effectiveness of the production improvement process (Montgomery and Woodall, p331). This results in the reduction of the defects to a level that the occurrence of failure or defects becomes almost impossible. The methodologies utilised in the improvement of the manufacturing process consist of five phases that based on the operations adopted by the organisation. The processes involved in the six sigma include the following elements Define – this can be e defined as the definition of the various attributes which are expected to be achieved through the implementation of the six sigma approach. This

Friday, July 26, 2019

Political movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Political movement - Essay Example ( Schock, 2005), has made a study of the phenomenon of non-violent resistance in authoritarian contexts by taking the political movements in six countries as comparative case studies. The countries he put under this socio-analytical scanner are South Africa, Burma, Philippines, Nepal, Thailand and China. He further makes a distinction between the movements as those won a democratic victory and those who failed under repression. South Africa, Nepal, Philippines and Thailand are the winning examples of democracy, while Burma and China still remain under the autocratic rule. The study is limited in time, its purview being a rather historically short period which extents from 1980 to 2005. In his book, Kurt Schock’s attempt is focussed on evolving a set of cause-effect equations underlying these successes and failures. The social movements of Burma and South Africa are particularly significant to our review of this work, as the former failed just after reaching the brink of success, while the latter persevered and went up to the victory post in full glory and flamboyance. In view of the great momentum that both political movements achieved in late 80s, it was only natural to expect both to be victorious. The search for a reason to why this did not happen led Schock to point out certain factors key to the success of a non-violent social movement under an authoritarian regime. Kurt Schock says that, two basic conditions must be met for a resistance movement to contribute to political transformations. First, â€Å"the challenge must be able to withstand repression, and second, the challenge must undermine state power† (2005, p.49). These are the two broad yardsticks used to analyse the social movements in Burma and South Africa. He also theorizes that social and political transformation occurs only after a sustained period of challenge in which multiple forms of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Tool mark Examination Physical Criminalistics Lab Report

Tool mark Examination Physical Criminalistics - Lab Report Example Tools can include the usual instruments such as screwdrivers, drill bits, hummer, pry bars and punch or other substances such as rocks. Different tools will create different impressions or marks but each tool creates an impression that is unique to itself. Tools and their impressions are largely defined by the manufacturing process that was used in production and thus lab scientists should be familiar with the various manufacturing processes including casting, forging, extrusion, machining and others. Also certain manufacturing process produce marks that change with time due to wearing of the cutting tool when in contact with the work piece (Monturo, 2010, p 8). Ductile materials may also develop built up edges during machining when the material cold welds onto the tool cutting edge due to high pressures resulting from the process. As more pressure is applied, the built up edge breaks off and the new material replaces the edge and thus the change in the cutting surface is used to examine the manufactured tools and their marks. The main types of marks that are created by different tools including impressed marks such as hammer strikes and striated marks such as the marks made when a screwdriver slides over a soft surface (Association of Firearms and Tool Mark Examiners, 2007).The toolmarks are further classified according to their class and subclass properties. Tools also have individual characteristics including random imperfections resulting from the manufacturing process, corrosion or damage (Association of Firearms and Tool Mark Examiners, 2007). Class characteristic features are defined before the manufacture of the tool and include its shape and size and the type of impression that is imparted by the tool including shearing, slicing, compression and crimping (Association of Firearms and Tool Mark Examiners, 2007, p 8). Subclass properties are in most situations confused with the individual characteristics. They are the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How to snowboard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to snowboard - Essay Example Apart from this, the needed accessories include a pair of gloves, a helmet, goggles, wrist guards and a hat. Next is to get into the bindings so that a snowboarder comes at level with the snow. For this, he needs to place his front foot in the flat area of the snow. The straps should be closed for both the toe and the ankle. For step-in bindings, there is a need to step in and roll the foot in a circular position so that it is deemed as safe. Bouncing a few steps in this position would give a general feel as to how it looks. Next is to take the first few baby steps. These steps should have the front foot in the snowboard binding and the back foot out towards the outside. One should start by placing the shoulders and toes in direct linkage with the incline and the snowboard should go in a perpendicular fashion with this incline. After the baby steps, a snowboarder must sit down and strap his feet into the snowboard. Standing up after this and looking towards the snowboard helps at understanding the process faster. At this time, weight must be laid on the heels. Repetition of this step back and forth helps at understanding the snowboarding process. Skating is another step which helps to give an idea about the movement through the flat areas and the snowboarded must know how to skate beforehand. Next step is to think of him as getting out off a chair where he needs to go in an area of inclination and thus secure the front foot towards the binding. Thus the snowboard must be pointed downwards during this activity as it will put the weight on the front foot and glide automatically towards the flat area. After these steps, when the snowboarded starts getting comfortable with the whole process, he must practice until he reaches for the chairlift which will escort him towards the top. At this moment, he needs to observe how the other snowboarders are carrying out their snowboarding activities. After this, the snowboarder is required to slide

BTK (DENIS RADER) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

BTK (DENIS RADER) - Research Paper Example Once he came back from the Air Force, he took up a job in the meat department of a grocery store. He lived separate from his parents. In 1973 he married Paula Dietz who was a secretary at the local hospital. They had 2 children together. According to Rader, he had a good marriage with his wife for the first 30 years. After 34 years of marriage, his wife filed for divorce on grounds of his mental health being unstable, after which Rader was arrested. People had mixed views of Denis Rader in their community. Some found him proud, rude and confrontational, while others found him to be to be a nice, friendly guy. As a child, Rader was very highly sexually active. Not in the sense that he performed sexual acts as a child (it is known that he graduated from high school as a virgin), but he would be easily provoked by spankings from his mother. He even had Sexual magazines and would sketch his sexual fantasies on paper. He would break into people’s homes when no one was there and wou ld steal ladies underwear. Peeping and breaking into homes had become more frequent during the age of 14 till 21. The first killings he ever made as a child was of dogs and cats, by strangling them to death. Throughout his childhood, Rader was known to be a poor student who preferred isolation. He enjoyed the torturing of animals and gathering of erotic pictures of women instead of making friends. He modified these pictured he collected adding gags, chains and ropes to the pictures to sexually please himself with the idea of torture. The only 2 social activities that Rader ever indulged in were either his duties in the church or during his training as a boy scout. While he was in the boy scouts, he quickly learnt the art of tying knots, which helped him later on when he bound his victims before killing them (McClellan, 2010). Once BTK’s violent streak grasped him, there was nothing that could stop him. From 1974 till 1991, BTK Dennis Rader was responsible for killing 10 women in Wichita, Kansas. He was known to tie up his victims, torture them and then kill them. Hence the name BTK, Bind, Torture and Kill Dennis would collect personal items from his victims as souvenirs, after killing them. He even sent letters to the police and newspapers after his killings. The first letter that the police received from BTK was in 1974 after his first killing of the Otero family, that very year. His second letter, sent in 1978, was clearly a stunt for attention from the media. His letter was addressed to a television station as BTK, after which the name became famous for the serial killer. Dennis was even a writer of poems. His poems often contained descriptions of how he imagined his victims’ killings and some poems were even written with intent to be sent to his own victims. Dennis last made contact with the media in 2005. Forensic software discovered that the Microsoft Word document which was deleted had metadata that contained the phrase ‘Christ Luthe ran Church’ and the name ‘Dennis’ for when it was last modified. The church website then showed Dennis Rader as the church president, after which the authorities started investigation on Dennis Rader. The police obtained a warrant for collecting DNA samples of Rader’s daughter. This DNA sample matched with the semen that authorities found in one of the earlier BKT killing victims. This gave the authorities a lead on the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How does the school X break down the language barriers for EAL Literature review

How does the school X break down the language barriers for EAL students in science lessons - Literature review Example ntially, due to the diverse population, teachers face a difficult challenge of teaching science to students with limited knowledge of the English language. It is important for teachers to identify ways of combating the language barrier so effectively facilitate students’ simultaneous acquisition of academic content. The use of instructional interventions facilitates learning of EAL students. Cummins observes that effective language interventions for ESL students are built on 3-pillars, that is, activating prior knowledge, access content and extending language (Cummins 1). Accessing prior knowledge involves utilising the student’s prior knowledge so as to facilitate learning. The author hypothesises that students tend to construct meaning to a scientific text by â€Å"bringing their prior knowledge of language, science, and of the world in general to the text† (Cummins 1). Therefore, by activating the students’ prior knowledge, teachers are able to validate ESL students’ background experiences and affirm their cultural knowledge. Moreover, through the use of methods such as visuals, dramatisation or other language-oriented activities, teachers can clarify the meanings of concepts and words thereby making the content accessible (Cummins 2). The students’ visualisation can be enhanced through the use of models and analogies in the curriculum (EMA 2002:5). Arguably, models provide a scientific representation of abstract ideas and complex relationships that enable the EAL students unlock their potential in science while at the same time developing their scientific literacy (EMA 2002:5). According to EMA teachers, by actively engaging students in the use of models and analogies, EAL students can communicate their ideas confidently using scientific terminology. Moreover, teachers can encourage students to devise their models so as to facilitate understanding of the curriculum. Teachers play a detrimental role in assisting EAL students. In a research carried

Monday, July 22, 2019

Creating a Level Playing Field for Wisconsin Education Essay Example for Free

Creating a Level Playing Field for Wisconsin Education Essay It is a well known fact that the educational outcome of our children is either boosted or hindered by their families’ socioeconomic backgrounds, and while this fact is hardly fair to those underprivileged students, (and despite a few halfhearted but well-meaning policies against it), this inequality is likely to persist. (Wisconsin 2006). Although the rates for high school completion between whites and minorities seem to be slowly equaling out, a 1999 report from the U. S. Department of Education showed that nationwide while 27. 5% of whites had received a Bachelor’s degree, only 12. 2% of blacks had attained that same level of education (Wisconsin 2006). In the State of Wisconsin, 15. 8% of whites have a Bachelor’s Degree, while only 6. 9% of blacks have the same, only about half of the nationwide percentage for blacks. (Demographic Profile 2004). In the Wisconsin school districts, the most important reason for the disparity in education between blacks and whites seems to be centered once again on socioeconomic ills. In 1954 the U. S.   Supreme Court unanimously agreed that segregating schoolchildren by race was unconstitutional, however fifty years later, while the ideas and decisions of 1954 seem fairly straightforward, the reality of the situation is a little less clear. In the Milwaukee area, the portion of the population that is black or Hispanic is rising, and the gap between black and white in Wisconsin as a whole is among the largest in the United States. (Borsuk 2004). Wisconsin has struggled with the task of overcoming that particular stigma and in education at least has made some inroads, but much work remains to be done. The difference in test scores on a recently released federal government report between white and black eighth graders was larger in Wisconsin than in any other state in the United States. (Borsuk 2004). Keep in mind that white students in Wisconsin are on par educationally with the rest of the United States, yet a higher percentage of black eighth graders from Wisconsin scored below basic—the lowest category. Previous studies also confirm that Wisconsin again takes the lead in the gap between incarceration rates between blacks and whites, and that â€Å"racial separation is the predominant pattern for neighborhoods. † (Borsuk 2004). If racial separation is considered â€Å"normal† or usual in the average neighborhood, then changing that in the schools systems represents a huge obstacle. When the desegregation plan went into effect the Milwaukee Public School system was 60% white, and now it is about 15% white, but there are few schools that have substantial enrollment of both black and white students. This means that the white children are leaving public schools to attend private schools, which helps very little in the overall desegregation efforts. Elizabeth Burmaster, Wisconsin’s state superintendent of schools says, â€Å"I believe that in Wisconsin the gap is very directly correlated to economic disadvantage. † (Borsuk 2004). Low income kids, as we all know, do not do as well in testing areas or graduation as do children from higher economic families. Because the lower income students are more likely to be black, the success rate of the black students, particularly in Wisconsin, are at very unhealthy rates, a problem that has been addressed by both Chapter 220 and the voucher system, with some small successes, but nothing to write home about. The white children are more likely to have parents with higher levels of education, leading to more economic advantage, while the black children are more likely to have parent’s with less education, leading to lower paying jobs. It becomes a vicious cycle as the black children don’t seem to be receiving the same education as the white children which will in turn cause them to work at low-paying jobs creating yet another generation of the disadvantaged.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

News Is Nothing More Than A Strategic Ritual Media Essay

News Is Nothing More Than A Strategic Ritual Media Essay From my opinion, to be objective, it is to illustrate both sides of a particular point of view without being subjective. This means that what is being portrayed should be value free. The journalist illustrates the whole truth about an event without including his or her own opinion in a subjective manner. There has been an ongoing discourse about objectivity. Objectivity in the news being nothing more than a strategic ritual. Firstly, objectivity can be hard to define as illustrated by Schudson â€Å"Objectivity might be a professional idea, but it is one that seemed to disintegrate as soon as it was formulated. It became an ideal in journalism, after all, precisely when the impossibility of overcoming the subjectivities of presenting the news was widely accepted. Criticism of the â€Å"myth† of objectivity has been a contrapuntal accompaniment to the enunciation of objectivity as an ideal from the beginning† (Schudson, 1990: 269). â€Å"To a sociologist, the word â€Å"Objectivity† is fraught with meaning. It invokes philosophy, notions of science, and ideas of professionalism. It conjures up the ghost of Durkheim and Weber, recalling disputes in scholarly journals concerning the nature of â€Å"social facts† and the term â€Å"value free†Ã¢â‚¬  (Tuchman 1972: 660). This therefore suggests that the term objectivity is burdened with different meaning, thus very difficult to define as any definition of such word can easily be obsolete. However Schudson on the other hand argues that â€Å"A commitment to objectivity in journalism can be defined as meaning that â€Å"a persons statement about the world can be trusted if they are submitted to established rules deemed legitimate by a professional community† (Schudson 1978: 294 cited in Harcup 2009: 82) According to Bennet, â€Å"there are reasons to be dissatisfied with the news these days. Yet, news remains the primary source of information about society, politics, and government†. These problems could be said to be related to the term objectivity. In the sense that so many factors affect the news, thus the news cannot be seen as the whole truth, as it could be argued that it is fragmented. Furthermore the publics perception about society and all other events are distorted. In relating it back to the question, it can be argued that objectivity in the news is not a strategic ritual because there are factors beyond the newsmans power that cannot be controlled, as other individuals are involved in the production of the news, such as the gate keeper who decides what news is and is not presented. Thus the news is subjective. â€Å"Perhaps the most unsettling thought of all is that the electronic media, the principal source of political information for many if not many American citizens (Robinson and Levy 1985), might be biased in the presentation of public affair† (Kuklinsk 1992: 810). This can be said to be related to objectivity because there is always the question about selection of news. How journalist select news would determine whether the news they produce would have bias included, thus the selection of news would be considered in further paragraphs. Bearing in mind that they previously hold a certain view about a topic. This would then create bias in the news report. News is the only source in which individuals find out events happening in society. However like it was previously reiterated, the news is always biased, one way or the other, thus the public is not fully aware of what is going on around them. â€Å"More than one public official has made this very claim.when every president- liberal or conservative, democrat or republican-has complained bitterly about the inaccurate and unfair picture the networks were presenting†(Kuklinsk 1992: 811)â€Å"Reagans secretary of state, George Shult, was heard to protest that â€Å"it seems as though the reporters are against us. Theyre always seeking to report something thats going to screw things up† (quoted by Karp 1985, 63). With this, it can be illustrated that the newsmen may actually do it on purpose, so that they could attract increasing audiences. This could be said to be objectivity in the news to be a strategic ritual, in the sense that journalist would go any length just to entertain the public at the expense of politicians profile. Thus getting increased audience because relating it to news values, the public would like to hear more on bad news and unexpectedness. The more the news is unexpected, the more it would attract increased audiences. There are two questions which confront us when we deal with the problems of how news is selected from the multitude of events which occur in the world. The first is: what is selected?the second is that of objectivity: namely, how accurately does such a selection reflect the real world? (Cohen and Young 1973: 17). The idea that journalist have the choice to select the news they want to report on, it means that they are already being subjective about the particular topic they want to report on. Thus, objectivity in the news could be said to be a strategic ritual. This could be so, because they might already hold a particular perspective on the topic. Hence would unavoidably be able to neglect their point of view in reporting the news, so the news becomes biased in the sense that they are selling their opinion to the public about a particular topic. Consequently, they give biased news to the public; therefore the public gets a distorted view about what the journalist is writing about. â€Å"According to Gaye Tuchman, objectivity can be seen as a strategic ritual that journalist use as a defence mechanism. She identified four routine procedures that allow journalist claim objectivity for their work: the presentation of conflicting possibilities, the presentation of supporting evidence, the judicious use of quotation marks, the structuring of information in an appropriate sequence† (Tuchman, 299-301 cited in Harcup 2009) The word objectivity can be affected by several factors of only some would be discussed, which in turn affects the report in which the journalist produces. This can be illustrated by Tuchman 1972, who explained that â€Å"there are three types of factors which influence the newsmans notion of objectivity: form, inter organization relationships, and content. By form, I mean those attributes of news stories and newspapers which exemplify news procedures such as the use of quotation marks†(Tuchman 1972: 661) This is to show that by using such quotation marks, it would mark the objectivity of the event. Individuals who must have witnessed whatever event would be able to give a full account about what happened. Thus, the journalists report would be objective and free from bias thus exemplifying him from problems if he produced inaccurate news. â€Å"By content I mean notions of social reality which the news paper man takes for granted. Content is also related to the newsmans orga nisational relationships, for his experiences with these organisations lead him to take for granted certain things about them† (Tuchman 1972: 661). Everett Hughes (1964) cited in Tuchman 1972: 661 â€Å"suggests that procedures that serve this purposes may be seen as â€Å"rituals†inasmuch as newspapermen invoke ritualistic procedures in order to deflect potential criticism and to follow routines bounded by the â€Å"cognitive limits of rationality†, they are also performance â€Å"strategies† (March and Simon 1967, pp.137, 142)Objectivity as strategic ritual may be used by professionals to defend themselves from critical onslaught†. Overall, these factors/ procedures help protect the journalist and the organisations integrity in the sense that they would not get accused of producing inaccurate news and they would not get sued unnecessarily. All these factors explained by Tuchman, it can be argued that objectivity in the news is a strategic ritual i n the fact that, they are trying to protect their back and save the organisations reputation. It can be argued that objectivity in the news is a strategic ritual because it can be said that the newspaper and writers are trying to get an increase audience. With them publishing the news, it would actually help increase their organisational revenue in the sense that they would experience high circulation. Also with the increased audience, it means that they would be at the top of the competition list, therefore giving them the competitive edge against other news providers. Thus giving them a unique selling point, which means they would be able to differentiate themselves from other news organisations. as a result stand out. This could be illustrated further, according to Young â€Å"the market model then maintains that the responsible journalist selects these events which are in the public interest to know and objectively portray reality within the format and genre of the particular media concerned†(Young 1973: 17). The public would like to know that they are being provi ded with objective news, thus the journalist would try their best to provide the news, so by making sure they get objective news, and they increase their readership and circulation. This would benefit them because it would allow them to be popular against their competitors. However, for the fact journalist select the news they think the public would be interested and present it as objectively as they can, this could be said to be a strategic ritual. The selection of news would further be illustrated later in this essay. This may be so, in the fact that they dont want to get themselves into trouble for providing biased news, thus affecting their integrity in the organisation they work and publicly soiling the organisations reputation. This means that the public would not trust the news they produce, thus, they would continually get negative criticism. This could be illustrated by Tuchman 1977b cited in Shoemaker 1996 who â€Å"argues that objectivity is a ritual that objectivity is a ritual that serves primarily to defend the organisational product from critics. Because newsworkers have little time to reflect on whether they have gotten at the â€Å"truth† in their stories, the need a set of procedure, or strategies, that if followed will protect them from occupational hazards such as libel suit and reprimands from superior†. Consequently, journalists follow a set of guidelines to avoid critics so that they dont get into unnecessary trouble and to be able to protect themselves from disgrace. Like it was previously said, journalist get chance to select the news they want to write about. The idea that they are allowed to do that shows that the news they are going to write about is already biased on the fact that they might already have a subjected view about it. Thus, the news would be value laden as well as hardly value free. Also for the fact that journalist use different sources to make up their news, Even though they are supposedly trusted sources of theirs, the question is how can they be so sure that the news the trusted sources provide is objective. Thus, it shows that they cannot be sure if the news is 100% objective. â€Å"Calling into the question of validity of representational knowledge about the world- arguing that news is as much a bureaucratic product as it is a reflection of external reality and that ‘objectivity is essentially a strategic ritual- is at bottom incompatible with journalisms self legitimating discourses. Pointing out that the subjects (i.e. the journalists) perception are not just the product of individual autonomy, showing that journalist (like all of us) are inexorably entangled with and in part constituted by language us, serve to erode the foundations of the conventional wisdom†(Dahlgren 1992: 11). Consequently, this shows that, it is not only the journalist who influences the news they write, as all other people are involved..This can also be reiterated by Shoemaker 1996: 112 â€Å"objectivity, although a cornerstone of journalist ideology, is rooted in practical organisational requirements. In this sense, objectivity is less a core belief of journalist t han a set of procedures to which journalist willingly conform in other to protect themselves from attack†. Consequently, this shows that the organisations also have an influence on the new. With the organisation involved there would be less chance of the company endangering their integrity and shame on their organizational image. Both of these sources show that the firm in which these journalists work for, has an influence on the type of news they produce in the sense that they always have a say. This is done so as to protect their image. Thus a set of gu are provided for the journalist to follow, so that they do not drift off the organisations rules and regulation about reporting news. This therefore means that journalists have no choice but to follow the set guidelines or they lose their job. According to Michael Schudson (1978) cited in shoemaker 1996: 112 â€Å"notes that at the turn of the century, newspapers in competing for circulation, tried to conform to the publics standards of truth, decency, and good taste. Reporters believed they had to be lively and entertaining while factual at the same time. Indeed, editors and reporters were pre-occupied with facts to avoid public criticism and embarrassment for the newspaper†. This could be said to be spin and twisting, for the fact that journalist thought that they had to be entertaining and lively. The idea of being entertaining would mean that they are trying to reach audiences they never actually reached out to. This can also be related to the idea that objectivity in the news is not an objective idea, for the fact that the news would most probably be shortened thus audiences would not get the full picture. This could be illustrated by Shoemaker who argued that â€Å"the objectivity routine also leads to omitt ing seemingly harmless information† (Shoemaker 1996: 113). Consequently, it means that audiences are not receiving the whole story of an event. The thought that journalist are omitting some of the information may be good, in the sense that the public would get an idea and grasp a bit about a complicated story about events in society. As illustrated in Bennets Book in a case study, â€Å"news stories often oversimplify larger and more complex realities. In many ways it is goodHowever, the news may radically simplify realities to the point of distortion or omission of important information for various reasons†(Bennett 2007: 211)† This therefore suggests that objectivity in the news could be omitted for good reason; however, it should not necessarily be said to be a strategic ritual, because it is being done for a good cause. However on the other hand, it can be argued that objectivity in the news is strategic ritual in the sense that important information would be h idden an omitted from the public thus making the public naÃÆ' ¯ve to events happening in society. It can also be argued otherwise that objectivity in the news is not a strategic ritual on the fact that journalist right from the start have the obligation to report the truth and try as much as possible to be objective so as to avoid libel suits but for the fact that they have deadlines to reach. This means they would actually be time conscious. Thus having less spare time to check over their report therefore it might be difficult to have totally objective news as illustrated by Tuchman 1972 â€Å"unlike social scientists, newsmen have a limited repertoire with which to define and defend their objectivity. He must make immediate decisions concerning validity, reliability, and â€Å"truth† in other to meet the problems imposed by the nature of his taskthe newsmen need some working notion of objectivity to minimize the risk imposed by deadline, libel suits, and superiors reprimands† (Tuchman 1972: 662) â€Å"Objectivity is defined as a matter of intent, it includes the freedom to disregard the implications of the news. Indeed, objectivity could not long exist without this freedom, for the moment journalists are required to consider the effects of news on sources and others they would have to begin assessing their own intent and to relinquish their detachment, especially if they wanted to prevent injury to someone (Gans, 1979: 188). Overall, it can be argued from a perspective that objectivity in the news is a strategic ritual, down to the idea that organisations train their potential journalist and give them guidelines on how to report news in an objective manner without being biased. This is done so as to protect the organisations integrity and the journalist status. Thus, it would help them avoid libel suits. This could be illustrated by Tuchman 1972: 678 who concluded that â€Å"objectivity used defensively as a strategic ritual. Objectivity refers to routine procedures which may be exemplified as formal attributes and to protect the professional from mistakes and from his critics†. And for the fact that journalist have to follow these set guidelines means objectivity in the news is a strategic ritual, as it means that these journalist have no choice, thus they cannot go against it as they would most probably lose their job Furthermore, if journalists do not provide objective news as they could, then the public would most probably not think journalism is a serious and professional job. Thus no one would see them as trustworthy. Thus it is their duty to provide the public with objective news. This can then be said that objectivity in the news is not a strategic ritual, as they have no choice but to provide non biased news so as to inform the public. Bibliography Bennet, W. L. (2007) News: The Politics of Illusion, New York: Longman, Pearson Cohen, S. Young, J. ( ) The Manufacture of News, London: Macmillan. Dahlgren, P. Sparks, C. (1992) Journalism and Popular Culture: London, SAGE Publications. Galtung, J. Ruge, M. (1981) ‘Structuring and Selecting News, in S. Cohen J. Young (eds) The Manufacture of News, London: Macmillan Gans, H. (1979) Deciding whats News. A Study of CBS Evening News, NBC Nigthly News, Newsweek and Time. New York: Random House Harcup, T. (2009) Journalism: Principles and Practice. London, SAGE Publications Kuklinski, J. H. Sigelman, L. (1992) ‘When Objectivity is not objective: Network T.V News Coverage of US Senators and the â€Å"Paradox of Objectivity† in Journal of Politics, 54 (3) Shoemaker, P. Reese, S. (1996) Mediating The message: Theories of Influences on Mass Media Content. (2nd ed.), London: Longman. Schudson, M. (2003) The Sociology of News. New York: United States of America. Tuchman, G. (1972) Objectivity as Strategic Ritual: An examination of Newsmens notion of Objectivity in American Journal of Sociology, 77: 660-67

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Hydrated Copper Sulfate Formula

Hydrated Copper Sulfate Formula Aim The aim of the experiment was to determine the empirical formula of hydrated copper (II) sulphate(CuSO4Â · xH2O)by experiment and to investigate the changes of copper (II) ions in solution. Introduction Copper is a d-block Transition metals, which are elements in Group 3-12 of the Periodic Table. It has the electronic structure 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s1, and can form complex formation (Chemguide, 2003). Complex ions are compounds having a central atom surrounded by other molecules called ligands, and these ligands can form dative covalent bonds to the central particle (Lister and Renshaw 2000). Lister and Renshaw (2000) further state that good ligands can displace poorer ligands from complexes, and the log of stability constants (logKc) can be used to measure the stability of complexes. The larger logKc, the more stable the complex (Lister and Renshaw, 2000). Most complexes are coloured since the movement of electrons between d orbitals will absorb a quanta of electromagnetic energy and the resulting energy gap is corresponding to frequencies of electromagnetic radiation in the visible region of the spectrum (Lister and Renshaw, 2000). Copper (II) sulphate has a considerable number of compounds, which have different degrees of hydration. Fishing (2009) points out that pentahydrate (CuSO4Â · 5H2O) is bright blue due to the water of hydration and when heated, the blue copper sulphate can be dehydrated to a grey-white power called anhydrous salt. The structure can be seen in Figure 1. Two water molecules will be lost at 30? when heated, and two more are then lost at 110?, followed by the last one at 250? (Fishing, 2009). As stated by Chemguide (2003), the typical blue hexaaquacopper (II) ion- [Cu(H2O)6]2+ is the simplest form in solution. Forming stronger bonds than water molecules with the center particle (Cu2+), chloride ions can displace water molecules and form a yellow-green [CuCl4]2- (aq) whose value of logKc is 5.6 (Lister and Renshaw, 2000). Figure 2 shows the structure of the [CuCl4]2-. The reaction of hexaaquacopper (II) ions with chloride ions can be shown as: [Cu (H2O)6]2+(aq) + 4Cl-(aq) [CuCl4]2-(aq) + 6H2O(l) (Chemguide, 2003) When copper (II) sulphate solution reacts with ammonia, it has two separate stages. Chemguide (2003) suggests that in the first stage, a small amount of ammonia can lead to hydrogen ions being removed from the hexaaqua ion. As a result, a neutral complex is produced, which is a precipitate with a pale blue colour (Chemguide, 2003). The equation for this reaction can be written as: [Cu(H2O)6]2+(aq) + 2NH3(aq) ?[Cu(H2O)4(OH)2](aq) + 2NH4+(aq) (Chemguide, 2003) Chemguide (2003) further reports that when adding excess ammonia solution, the ammonia will replace four of the six water molecules from [Cu(H2O)6]2+, forming a deep blue [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+(aq). Its value of logKc is 13.2 (Lister and Renshaw, 2000). The reaction can be shown as: [Cu(H2O)6]2+(aq) + 4NH3(aq)?[Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+(aq) + 4H2O(l) (Chemguide, 2003) Method The apparatus consisted of crucible, spatula, burner and tongs, electronic balance, desiccator and stand, as well as three conical flasks, and the chemicals included copper sulphate, concentrated hydrochloric acid and ammonia solution. The method of this experiment was divided into two parts. According to Lane (2009.a), the practical for determining the formula in part 1 was done as following steps, and all figures gained were corrected to two decimal places. To start with, the inside of the crucible was cleaned with a cloth. Subsequently, a paper clip was placed in the crucible. The crucible was then weighed and the weight was recorded. After that, using the electronic balance, 2.58g copper sulphate was added into the crucible. Before placing the crucible on the stand and heating, the burner was lit and placed under the stand. Using the paper clip, the crystals were stirred when heating. The change in colour was then noted. After that, using the tongs, the crucible was placed inside the desiccator to cool down. When cool down to room temperature, the crucible was reweighed and the procedures heating, cooling, and weighing were repeated until constant weight was recorded. Some water was added to the crucible at the end and the result was noted. In part 2, the steps making complex ions in solution can be shown below (Lane, 2009.b). At the beginning, some copper sulphate and water were put into three conical flasks and these flasks were shaken and observed. After that, using a pipette, concentrated hydrochloric acid was dropped into one flask. Any phenomena were noted. Before observing, a small amount of ammonia solution was then added into the second flask. At the end, excessive ammonia solution was put into the third flask and the result was recorded. Discussion: In part 1, using the data from Table 1 and the formula n = m/Mr, where n = moles, m = Mass of sample and Mr = relative Molecular Mass (Lane, 2009.b), the steps in the calculation of the formula (CuSO4Â · x H2O) can be shown as follows. Mr (CuSO4) =159.6 m (CuSO4) =1.64g n (CuSO4) = m/Mr =1.64/159.6 = 0.010289 moles Mr (H2O) = 18 m (H2O) = 0.94g n (x H2O) = m/Mr = 0.94/18 = 0.052222 moles The ratio can be determined: CuSO4: x H2O = n (CuSO4): n (x H2O) Therefore: 1 : x = 0.010289 : 0.052222 x = 5.0755 The value x = 5.0755 can be approximate to x = 5; therefore, the empirical formula is CuSO4Â · 5H2O. As stated by theory, when heating the crystals, the water will evaporate depending on the temperature. Repeating heating and stirring the crystals can ensure the hydrated CuSO4 is dehydrated completely. The positive result of x = 5 indicates that the heater can reach 250? at least in the experiment, which provides the power to drive off all water molecules from the crystal. Copper (II) oxide (CuO) and sulfur trioxide (SO3) will be produced when heating the crystal at around 600? (Fishing, 2009). It can be deduced that when over heating, the black CuO (s) and the pungent smell SO3 (g) would be observed. The colour changing grey-white to blue when adding water into anhydrous copper sulphate can explain why the crucible needs to cool down inside the desiccator. It is to avoid the anhydrous copper sulphate absorbing H2O from the air and reforming hydrated CuSO4. This is also why anhydrous CuSO4 can be widely used for testing the presence of water in other chemical experiments. The green colour in part 2 could be explained in terms of a mixture of colours from [Cu(H2O)6]2+ (blue) and [CuCl4]2- (yellow-green). It can be deduced that if adding enough water into the green solution, the green solution would turn back to blue, because a high concentration of H2O would lead to the reversible reaction tending to produce more [Cu(H2O)6]2+. The results about copper (II) ions reacting with NH3 (aq) mean that the blue precipitate (Cu(OH)2) can dissolve when adding excessive of ammonia. All reactions tend to high stability, low energy. As mentioned by theory, the logKc value of [Cu(NH3)4 (H2O)2]2+ (aq) (13.2) is larger than [CuCl4]2-(aq) (5.6), which means that the complex [Cu(NH3)4 (H2O)2]2+ is more stable than [CuCl4]2-, and NH3 is a better ligant than Cl-. Therefore, the reaction NH3 replacing Cl- from [CuCl4]2-(aq) can be deduced. Compared with the empirical formula CuSO4Â · 5H2O, the calculated answer is slightly high, although it can be estimated to x = 5. There are three main reasons can explain the result. The crucible may not be completely dry, and extra water evaporated will give a higher value. In addition, when over heating, the mass of gases would be regarded as the loss mass of water. Finally, some crystals would splash out when stirring, which can lead to the calculated value higher. In order to produce more accurate result, several areas could be improved. Controlling the flame intensity of burner, putting an asbestos net under the crucible or granulating the crystal can reduce the possibility of decomposition and ensure the crystal is dehydrated completely. Conclusion In conclusion, the empirical formula of hydrated copper sulphate can be determined as CuSO4Â · 5H2O by experiment. Water molecules can make the copper complex ion blue. Ammonia (NH3) causes deep blue colour, and chloride ions (Cl-) make the copper complex solution yellow-green. Therefore, the nature of ligands can affect the energies of the d orbitals and produce complexes with different colours. References Chemguide (2003) [online] Copper Available at: [Access at: December 20, 2009] Fishing (2009) [online] Copper Sulfate, Equation for Decomposition Available at: [Access at: December 22, 2009] Kecheng (nd) [online] Indentify the Formula of Hydrated Copper Sulphate Available at: [Access at: December 28, 2009] Lane, R (2009.a) Chemistry Practical Handout Lane, R (2009.b) IFY Course Notes Lister, T. and Renshaw, J. (2000). Chemistry for Advanced Level (third edition). Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd.

Intellinex, LLC :: essays research papers fc

Executive Summary Intellinex LLC is an eLearning company that was recently spun off from its parent Ernest & Young LLP. At its inception Intellinex claimed to be one of the largest eLearning providers. They have an aggressive strategy to take advantage of the consolidating eLearning market and become a "one-stop" provider of all eLearning services for their clients. Their focus is on creating customized training for clients and helping them to implement and maintain their on-line courses. Products and services are geared toward large companies that spend approximately $1 million on their eLearning projects; not individuals or small companies. They have asserted a strenuous goal of $100 million revenue in the first year of business. Company Background Intellinex LLC is an eLearning provider of â€Å"one-stop learning solutions that are faster, lower in cost, more flexible, and more convenient than traditional classroom training,† ( Ernst & Young LLP launched their wholly owned eLearning venture, Intellinex LLC, on October 5, 2000. Ernst & Young was the first of the â€Å"Big 5† firms to create an operating company that offers eLearning services. With less than a year of experience practicing business on their own, much of the background information for Intellinex stems from their internal work with Ernst & Young prior to the spin off. Their parent had already seen the light of eLearning and began creating training that â€Å"focused on everything a young audit person would need when first starting their career†. Almost all Ernst & Young employees had begun taking eLearning courses through a unit now known at Intellinex. They found that it was less expensive to train them onl ine than to fly them to training centers for multiple courses. Due to Year 2000 concerns, Ernst & Young changed its curriculum-development procedures and what previously took 200 hours to create 1 hour of online training now takes 20 hours. (Walsh 2) Intellinex was able to take advantage of this change. Ernst & Young already had more than 40 clients receiving eLearning services using this unit. Ernst and Young will continue to use Intellinex for internal training through a third party agreement. (Howell 2) Ernst & Young’s decision to separate from its online corporate training department was in hopes of increasing the unit’s profitability by acquisitions. Intellinex started with more than 400 employees and five major locations. Their focus was providing customized training for clients through satellite, desktop web casting, streaming video, and web-based courses. Intellinex, LLC :: essays research papers fc Executive Summary Intellinex LLC is an eLearning company that was recently spun off from its parent Ernest & Young LLP. At its inception Intellinex claimed to be one of the largest eLearning providers. They have an aggressive strategy to take advantage of the consolidating eLearning market and become a "one-stop" provider of all eLearning services for their clients. Their focus is on creating customized training for clients and helping them to implement and maintain their on-line courses. Products and services are geared toward large companies that spend approximately $1 million on their eLearning projects; not individuals or small companies. They have asserted a strenuous goal of $100 million revenue in the first year of business. Company Background Intellinex LLC is an eLearning provider of â€Å"one-stop learning solutions that are faster, lower in cost, more flexible, and more convenient than traditional classroom training,† ( Ernst & Young LLP launched their wholly owned eLearning venture, Intellinex LLC, on October 5, 2000. Ernst & Young was the first of the â€Å"Big 5† firms to create an operating company that offers eLearning services. With less than a year of experience practicing business on their own, much of the background information for Intellinex stems from their internal work with Ernst & Young prior to the spin off. Their parent had already seen the light of eLearning and began creating training that â€Å"focused on everything a young audit person would need when first starting their career†. Almost all Ernst & Young employees had begun taking eLearning courses through a unit now known at Intellinex. They found that it was less expensive to train them onl ine than to fly them to training centers for multiple courses. Due to Year 2000 concerns, Ernst & Young changed its curriculum-development procedures and what previously took 200 hours to create 1 hour of online training now takes 20 hours. (Walsh 2) Intellinex was able to take advantage of this change. Ernst & Young already had more than 40 clients receiving eLearning services using this unit. Ernst and Young will continue to use Intellinex for internal training through a third party agreement. (Howell 2) Ernst & Young’s decision to separate from its online corporate training department was in hopes of increasing the unit’s profitability by acquisitions. Intellinex started with more than 400 employees and five major locations. Their focus was providing customized training for clients through satellite, desktop web casting, streaming video, and web-based courses.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Serialization in A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens :: Charles Dickens

In Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities, serialization is an important and effective tool that divides the literary work into episodes, creating a suspenseful plot. In addition, serialization also creates a "soap opera" effect on the novel's readers, leaving them with a cliff-hanger scenario at the end of each episode. A major effect of serialization is the change it renders in character development. Sydney Carton would be a prime example. In the novel's beginning, he is portrayed as a drunk, a loser with no purpose to his life. However, as the readers go on, they find that Carton is, indeed, not what he seems to be. Ultimately, our reprobate saves Charles Darnay's life from certain death and is instrumental in having him escape to England with his beloved Lucie, their daughter, and his father-in-law, Dr. Manette. Charles Dickens uses an unusual method of serialization that resembles that used by daytime soaps. After covering several plot developments of several characters, usually primary ones, he switches to a series of subplots involving other characters, usually secondary ones. For example, after Dickens covers the adventure of the Marquis St. Evremonde, he jumps back to Darnay. The effect is a narrative hook that encourages the readers to go on. This leads to suspense and, of course, a successful tale. A final, and obvious, effect of serialization is the steady advancement of plot development. As the novel is divided into thematic parts, it gives the readers a definite feeling for the plot and causes them to think about possible outcomes.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Healthy Grief Essay

The Book of Job is a profound story about a man who was â€Å"perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil† (Job 1:1). Job was a man who had a loving family, prospered and was very wealthy. For whatever reason, Satan challenged God regarding Job. Satan told God that if everything were taken away from Job, he would surely curse God. It was a â€Å"bet† of sorts. So God gave Satan the power to destroy everything Job had with the exception of Job’s life. Satan took away Job’s possessions, family and health. Unbelievably, even after all his loss, Job still fell to the ground and worshipped God. Job 1:2-20) The trials and hardships that Job suffered were inconceivable, yet Job seemed to persevere and demonstrate resilience beyond what is human. What made the difference? Was it his faith? This paper will discuss the five stages of the Kubler-Ross grieving process. It will examine the successful example of Job’s own grieving process as it relates to the Baha’i faith. The Five stages of Kubler-Ross can be seen throughout the story of Job. According to Kubler-Ross (2013), the grieving process is comprised of five formal stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. The first stage, denial, actually enables the person to initially endure an incredible loss. While it may seem counterintuitive, denial is actually a critical aspect of the healthy healing process. It is comparable to entering a stage of shock. The act of denial actually is a protective mechanism that helps a person cope with the overwhelming situations. (Kubler-Ross & Kessler 2013) One could interpret Job’s statement, â€Å"Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away†(Job 1:21) as a form of denial. Others may interpret it as his unwavering faith in God’s plan. Anger is the next stage, and is absolutely essential to the grieving process. Job is seen voicing his anger, â€Å"Therefore I will not restrain my mouth, I will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul. † (Job 7:11) Pain is the emotion most closely related to and buried under anger. So, in essence, the pain drives anger and anger drives change. As it relates to the grieving process, anger instigates a form of strength and can provide the backbone and structure necessary to move on to the next stage. Kubler-Ross & Kessler 2013) Although Job voices his anger it isn’t directed to God but rather the situation. Bargaining in the third stage and is the stage of negotiating. In their mind, a person will remain in the past, and try anything to return to the way things were before. (Kubler-Ross & Kessler 2013) At first glance, it appears Job doesn’t ever go through the bargaining stage, he clearly expresses his sadness. He continues to praise and worship God in spite of the losses he is going through. However, one can observe how he clearly wishes he could return to the way things were before. He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength, who hath hardened himself against him, and hath prospered. † (Job 9:4) But his sorrow could certainly be seen as a type of bargaining with God to relieve his sorrow. The fourth stage is depression, the stage where one will experience feelings of emptiness and hopelessness. Some people worry that their feelings of despair will last forever. Yet this stage is part of the natural order of loss, and a critical component of the five stages. When someone is depressed they become withdrawn. They sometimes question whether or not they should go on themselves. The depression stage is part of the natural healing process and is a necessary step one must experience in order to heal. (Kubler-Ross & Kessler 2013) Job reveals his own deep depression he says, â€Å"My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle, and are spent without hope. â€Å"(Job 7:6) â€Å"Let that day perish wherein I was born, and the night in which it was said. † (Job 3:3) and continues to question why he survived birth and should probably never have been conceived. (Job 3:3-11). Job is feeling hopeless and is becoming depressed. He also feels his problems are ith no end in sight, and he is experiencing the thoughts of giving up. Acceptance of his trials is evident in Job 13: 15-16 â€Å"Through he slay me, yet will I trust in him, He also will be my salvation. † Job accepts that God is wise and puts his trust in him. This stage is about the acceptance of a new reality; people change, learn and develop empathy from their grief to move on. Acknowledging the pain and moving on doesn’t mean the past is forgotten, rather it enables the person to move forward with an open heart and a broader perspective. Job didn’t fully understand the purpose of his trials, but he accepted the omnipotence of his God. His faith sustained him just as faith sustains people today. Job’s faith is similar to that of the Baha’i faith. Those of the Baha’i faith believe that the body, mind, and spirit grow when they are tried by suffering. Trails or tests are viewed as a gift from God. Those who have these tests and persevere will have happiness while those who don’t are cowards. They are asked to turn to God and pray when enduring these tests and be thankful. Grief and sorrow do not come to us by chance, they are sent to us by the Divine Mercy for our own perfecting† (Baha’i International Community 2013). Job persevered and believed there was a reason to why God was putting him through these trials. Studies have shown that those who attend church, pray, and actively practice their faith actually suffer less depression and resolve their grief sooner than those with little or no faith at all. (Quick, 2012) Clearly, there appears to be a correlation between spiritual beliefs or faith, and the ability to handle stress and accept tragedies in a more positive way. Healthcare providers, counselors, and clergy have all recognized that having a faith to cling to or a greater belief in life after death can ease the grieving process. In conclusion, having a belief in a greater power and life after death can make dealing with loss much easier. When a person has something to cling to, it can make dealing with trauma or loss more manageable. If there was no belief in life after death or no belief in a greater power, life’s tragedies would be far more difficult to deal with. It’s actually healthy to cultivate a belief in something. Like Job, we will all experience some type of loss in our lives. Grief is a common thread to each and every person on the planet. Identifying the stages of grief, and having the resources and skills to cope with grief is crucial for handling grief in a healthy way. Everyone experiences the stages of grief. The difference seems to be faith. People who have a deep sense of faith are better equipped and more quickly navigate the stages of grief. As with Job, their faith allows them to go forward and successfully help others through the grieving process.

Is Television Addictive? Essay

Television exhibit is comparable to drug and alcohol colony as illustrated by Marie Winn in her bottomlandvass entitled TV dependency. In some cases addiction is good-huto a greater extentdly referred to as a pr undefendablesity to overindulgence of oneself on something enjoyable want cookie or ar terminateum book addiction but observation tv set programs results to negative effects in state that somehow consume their lives and chip in them feeling a void that gage never be fulfilled. Although it offers momentary set back from reality which people some judgment of convictions need, it rout out also get under ones skin a unwholesome compulsion. (Winn) The origin has quite significantly suggested the perils of spendthrift tv set watching. Instead of offering us a way to relax from our brisk daily routine, it may unspoiled be contradictorily a contributing factor in that intensifies the stress we encounter e really day. In the paper, Winn cited some testimonials o f a college instructor, a pre-school teacher, a filmmaker and a lawyer who postulate directly experienced being aquiline on watching television set shows as well as mothers who has observed this quandary on their own young children to the record that the hours they could have spent on more(prenominal) meaningful things are wasted on watching the shows that they do not even off like. The author likened these testimonials to those shared in meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous. found on the testimonials from parents, its effects became even more alarming when they witnessed their childrens restlessness when unavailing to watch television just like a withdrawal symptom of an addict. At some point in a persons breeding, overindulgence in watching television happens. For some, it happens during bouts of depression, boredom, procrastination, hibernation or whatsoever period it is called but when it becomes habitually a part of our daily lives, it may become destructive mentally, psyc hologically and even physically. The author presented a different perspective to television viewing. It gives people a glimpse of how life can become when faced with much(prenominal)(prenominal) a predicament. For most people, reading these pages is a wake up call since an item-by-item is usually unaware when he or she is in the midst of an addiction such as this. Some people may have gradually increased the weigh of hours spent in front of their television sets unconsciously and this reading could really open their eyes and give everyone a lope to qualifying it.Television is a very significant instrument of worldwide discourse and information that aids everyone in the sentiency of what is happening around us. It is a brute of improving our knowledge in a lot of things and it has its own purpose. Similarly, legal drugs or medicines and alcohol exists because it also has its uses and is actually secure at times but unfortunately, just like most things in this world, it can b e addictive and hazardous to peoples lives when dealt with excessively.It is undeniable that television is a part of our lives but moderation of time spent in watching television should be practiced and parents should also raise this strict rule to their children. Parents may lay in other ways of recreation to them to centre their viewing time but out front this can be implemented in a household or a community, parents should as well apply this to themselves.Addiction can really be avoided if proper time management and self-restraint is give more focus. A firm closing in employing moderation to the things that people do can truly prevent this to happen. It may seem impossible for addicts but it can always be done if a person is determined never to be controlled by such weaknesses. Eradicating addictions can change peoples lives and can staggeringly generate a more productive, rose-cheeked and fulfilled world.Works CitedWinn, Marie. T.V. Addiction. Connelly, Mark. The Sundanc e Reader, Fourth Edition. Boston, Massachussetts doubting Thomas Wadsworth, 2006. 193-198.